Vishdhar (Vishakt) Kaal Sarp Dosh |
If Ketu is in the fifth house and Rahu is in the eleventh house, then it createsVishdhar (Vishakt) Kaal Sarp Dosh.
There is a partial obstruction in the acquisition of knowledge for the person.
There are some obstacles in getting higher education and there is often loss of memory power.
Despite the possibility of profit from maternal grandparents, grandparents, the person has to suffer losses.
Sometimes there are differences or quarrels with uncles, cousins. There is a strong possibility of dispute with elder brother.
Due to this yoga, the person resides far away from his place of birth or keeps traveling from one place to another.
But with time comes stability in life.
There are some obstacles in the path of profit.
That person sometimes gets very worried.
Sometimes a situation of defamation also arises regarding wealth or some conflict situation persists.
He sees the benefit everywhere but does not get the benefit. Some troubles surround the child side.
Many types of physical ailments also have to suffer. His life often ends mysteriously.
In case of above mentioned problems, do the following:
Vishdhar (Vishakt) Kaal Sarp Dosh Upay |
- Do Abhishek of Mahadev for 30 days in the month of Shravan, which will pacify the defect.
- Worship silver serpent in Shiva temple on Monday, remember ancestors and reverently
Immerse the deity of Nagdev in running water or sea. - On every Monday, anoint Lord Shankar with curd saying 'Om Har Har Mahadev'.
- Do this every day in the month of Shravan.
- Feed grains to birds for one and a half month.
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