Sheshnag Kaal Sarp Dosh If Ketu is in the sixth house and Rahu is in the twelfth house and all the planets come between it, then Sheshnag Kaal Sarp Dosh is formed. This yoga is not enumerated within the scope of scriptural definition, but in practice people are concerned about this defect. Victims of obstacles are definitely seen. The wishes of the victims are always fulfilled with a delay. One has to go far from his birthplace to earn his livelihood. He always has to be trapped in debate and litigation due to enemy conspiracies. The dagger of slander always hangs on his head. He is often troubled by physical and mental ailments, and due to mental anxiety, he behaves in such a way that people start looking at him in surprise. Life remains very mysterious in the eyes of the people. The way of working of the person is also unique. He also spends more than his income. As a result, he always remains a debtor to the people and he has to work hard to pay off the debt. There comes a ...
Kal Sarp dosha is a well-known yoga, which is formed when seven major planets come together between Rahu and Ketu. Although, astrologers are not undiversified about Kaal Sarp Dosh. Rahu and Ketu are considered to resemble the face and tail of a snake. Therefore, if the remaining seven planets in the horoscope of a person come between Rahu and Ketu on the same side, then his life does not remain appropriate.