When Anant Kaal Sarp Dosh occured?
When Rahu is in the ascendant and Ketu is in the seventh house and all the planets are in between, then Anant Kaal Sarp Dosh is formed. In this dosha, hard work is required in building the personality of the people.
Their studies and business activities go on in a very normal manner, and there is little need to progress in these areas.
For this, the person has to struggle hard.
Sometimes mental anguish also prompts him to leave the household and adopt a recluse life. Such people have special interest in the business of lottery, shares and interest, but they also suffer more loss in that too.
Physically, he has to face many ailments. The financial situation remains very turbulent. As a result, mental anxiety starts dissolving poison in married life as well.
The native also has to be deprived of the affection and property of his parents. Even close relatives do not desist from causing harm.
The social prestige of such a person trapped in many types of agreements and lawsuits also keeps on decreasing Him over and over
Have to be humiliated.
But in spite of the adversities, there definitely comes a time in the life of the person, when all the troubles are miraculously removed.
That miracle does not happen with any effort, it happens suddenly.
Even after all the problems, they do not lack anything when needed. It doesn't do anyone any harm.
The people who feel more trouble than this defect. They should take advantage of the following measures.
Anant Kaal Sarp Dosh Upay
- Students should chant the Beej Mantras of Saraswati ji for one year and worship them duly.
- Recite Hanuman Chalisa 80 times.
- Chanting of Mahamrityunjay Mantra also leads to eternal peace of Sarp Dosh.
- Keep peacock feathers.
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